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Сonference "International medical cooperation of Ukraine and Poland: win-win technologies"

2023-11-04 16:19
Last week on October 27, the long-awaited event - the conference "International medical cooperation of Ukraine and Poland: win-win technologies" took place. More than 200 people gathered in the Silesian Medical Chamber to share their experiences and opinions, these are representatives of local authorities, politicians, public health leaders, leading doctors and educators of Poland, representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, graduates and students of KMU and, of course, , our Ukrainian healthcare workers. We are very grateful to our speakers for insightful and bright presentations, and to the moderators and participants of the panel discussion, which took place within the framework of the conference, for an interesting discussion.

KMU Polish Campus has already become a scientific, educational and humanitarian center (hub), a coordinator of humanitarian missions for Ukraine and a place for the presentation of Ukrainian culture, where all activities are aimed at promoting Ukrainian higher education and medicine, deepening awareness of Ukraine, increasing Ukraine's competitiveness on the international educational and medical services markets.

KMU continues to unite! We are stronger together!