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RE-DIRECTION Project's Progress on Work Package 2

During a recent meeting of the Academic Council at Kyiv Medical University, progress was made on Work Package 2 of the RE-DIRECTION project, with contributions from esteemed stakeholders. This phase of the project focuses on aligning higher education with modern pedagogical methods through comprehensive desk and field research in the realms of Digital Transformation, Sustainability, and Inclusivity.

The council reviewed the ongoing collaborative efforts across European partners who are engaged in desk research, analyzing a wide range of bibliographies, papers, articles, and methodological guidebooks that exemplify best practices within the EU. A standardized reporting template developed by Metropolitan College is being utilized to ensure uniform documentation of findings.
As outlined in the meeting, this research aims to bridge the gaps in curricula at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Georgia and Ukraine. By identifying at least 15 best practices in digital, sustainable, and inclusive education, the project partners are laying the groundwork for substantive educational reform.

Moreover, the session highlighted the upcoming field research, which includes organizing focus groups in both target countries to collect feedback from at least 50 stakeholders. This collaborative and inclusive approach is expected to culminate in a detailed report on Best Practices and Skills mismatches, which will integrate the insights garnered from both desk and field research.

The Academic Council's meeting marks a pivotal step towards enriching the educational landscape, ensuring that HEIs in Ukraine and beyond are equipped to meet the challenges of the digital age.
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